Health & Wellness

Yvonne Howard: After my mother passed away, I became the caregiver for my dad and I work out of my home, so I was not getting any exercise. I was working with him all night and of course I'm already overweight and I was in chronic, chronic hip pain. I asked a friend about the doctor he used and he recommended a doctor that was associated with Newberry Hospital. Never heard of it. I went to this doctor, met him, was very impressed. I was impressed with Newberry Hospital the minute I walked to the door. The nurse that met me was awesome. I went to a class called Back on Track for people having joint replacement. I walked into that class with a lot of questions and I left with not a doubt in my mind that I had a great surgeon and I had a great hospital.

Dr. Phil Milner: Newberry Hospital has been given several awards over the last five or six years. We've had recently patient satisfaction awards being in the top 10 percent of the hospitals in the country for outcomes and lack of complications. Joint replacements are very common, but they are also very complex. It starts with the staff in the sterilization room to make sure that the equipment is sterile and ready for surgery. The OR technicians have to be highly competent and highly trained to make sure that everything is ready. Any weak link in that chain could result in a complication. We're proud in Newberry Hospital that we have been able to achieve a very low complication rate and high patient satisfaction. One of the assets of Newberry County Hospital is the professionalism and maturity of our staff. Majority of our staff in the OR as well as on the floors have been here for 15 to 20 years and have become highly competent and efficient. Our turnover rate here from a nursing standpoint and staff is very low and that gives the patients the opportunity to have the best quality people working with them.

Yvonne Howard: My anterior hip surgery was scheduled for April 14th early in the morning. My doctor came in and greeted me and it was wonderful and the next thing I remember I asked the nurse, ma'am when are they going to do my surgery? She said, sweetheart you're in recovery and two hours later I was walking 200 yards in that hospital room with no pain and I said no pain. I had not had anything but pain the past three years. I was so impressed with them. Every nurse became my best friend. I loved physical therapy. They worked me but they were fun.

Dr. Phil Milner: It's a difficult process and at Newberry Hospital we're proud of our statistics and we're proud of our patient satisfaction.